Okay, so I am pretty much a slacker when it comes to blogging. Oh well.
Since my last post:
Halloween was tons of fun! We went to a pumpkin farm and the boys got to ride on ponies, pet farm animals and pick out pumpkins. We took the boys to a trunk or treat at church. Shaden LOVED it. He was so good at saying "trick or treat." Even now he sometimes pretends to trick or treat around our house.

Thanksgiving was great! Chris and I cooked our first turkey. We followed
Alton Brown's recipe. It was delicious! My parents and grandparents were able to drive down to join us. We were so busy fixing and then eating the food that we didn't take any pictures.
My mom let me borrow her sewing machine for a few weeks and I was able to fix Jayce's blanket and make 6 Christmas pillow cases. It started off only being one for Shaden and one for Jayce and then spread to one for Shelby (our niece), then my mom asked for a set, and finally I couldn't leave out my sister.
Just before Christmas my sister got home from Semester At Sea.
Chris was able to take 2 weeks of block leave at Christmas time. YAY! We drove down to Hobbs, NM to spend time with Chris's family. It was wonderful. We don't get to see his side of the family as much, so it was great to hang out and do some fun stuff with them. We took the boys to a park one day.
We fed the ducks and geese (Shaden's favorite animal... for the moment).
We went to Carlsbad Cavern and did a boat ride called "Christmas on the Pecos."
We sang Christmas carols and acted out the Nativity story. Christmas day was terrific. Shaden and Jayce must have been super good last year because they got tons of presents, including a red tricycle that Shaden asked Santa for. Chris got me a sewing machine for Christmas! Yay!
January flew by so fast, but I did manage to make 2 large pillows for the livingroom. They are for the boys to sit on while having snacks, so I don't have to vacuum out couch everyday.
February came and I made Shelby a drawstring backpack for Valentine's day. Having 2 boys means I have to find fun uses for the fun girly material I have. Shaden was really jealous that I made a bag for Shelby, so I had to make him one. Shaden's has planets on it and a green interior. I'll get a picture up later.
And here we are in March. Wow! So I didn't think it through all the way when I made the pillows for the livingroom... I made them and then realized I'm going to need to wash them or at least the outside. Hmm... solution make pillow cases. I think the boys love them even more now.