Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Little Things- Day 19

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Now this is not a happy little thing: Drawing... on things other than paper. :( As I was unpacking a box Shaden managed to find a purple permanent marker. I turned around to see him drawing on one of the plastic containers and he had some on his head. Dang. Took the pen away and while putting it up he found a red one! AHH!! This time he marked near his eye.

Okay, put the whole box up and fix dinner. What is that noise? That's right, he found a pencil and was drawing on the wall! He has never done that before. He has been so good about drawing on ONLY paper. Guess I need to reinforce that idea some more.

Earlier in the day Shaden found my new silicon giant cupcake cake pan and put it on Jayce's head. LOL. He thought it was a hat!

1 comment:

  1. That is one thing Genna hasn't tried yet (drawing on the walls), though she has written in a book...a library book...which we then purchased from the library. :)
